Relationship-Building Technology for Fitness Studios
Enhance lead conversion and member retention through effective communication and automation that frees up your team.
Exclusive, limited-time offer for Athletech subscribers.




Texting Inbox
SMS Keywords and Auto-response
Inbound Text Leads
Automated SMS Campaigns
Automated Email Campaigns
Dynamic Client Dashboard
Customizable Templates
Task Management
Response Templates
Email Blasts (Newsletters)
Mass Texting (SMS Blasts)
Dynamic Client Lists
Studio Reporting
Unlimited Users
Studio Merge Fields
Phone number hosting
Call Forwarding
External Lead Integration
Industry-standard setup
Personalized Customizations
Loyalsnap Knowledge Base
Email Support
Phone Support
Dedicated Account Manager
**additional texting usage fees will apply ($.01 USD/text segment + carrier fees)
More than two studios? Ask about our multiple studio discount.
ELIGIBILITY: This offer is exclusively available to Athletech subscribers. Studios currently enrolled in a 12-month Loyalsnap subscription are ineligible. Offer is restricted to clients of Mindbody, Mariana Tek, Teamup, or ClubReady.
OFFER PERIOD: Demo request must be submitted no later than October 31, 2024.
ACTIVATION: Offer is valid only if subscription is activated within forty-eight (48) hours following the completion of the demo.
EXCLUSIVITY: This offer may not be combined with any other promotion, discount, or offer.
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: The offeror reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this offer at any time without prior notice.
By participating in this offer, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
© 2024 LOYALSNAP, Inc. All rights reserved