One stop shop for communication and marketing.
Loyalsnap will target your clients throughout their entire customer journey. Utilizing Automations and the Client Management Dashboard, Loyalsnap will help target the following:
Lapsed Clients
Simplified Solutions for your studio.
Our team of industry experts have created F45 content based on industry standards and best practices to provide your studio with the marketing strategy to succeed.
Full set-up
Custom content
Training support

What results can I expect?

Convert 56% more leads

Increase sales revenue by 14%

Keep members 2.5 mos. longer

10x-25x Return on investment
9Round Service Tiers
Find the pricing option that is right for your studio. We offer three tiers of service for our 9Round partners: Exhibition, Amateur, and Professional.

Pricing is per studio. For owner's with 2+ studios, ask about our multiple studio discount (available on the Premium Tier only)
*All tiers include metered texting capabilities. For specific texting rates based on your country, please contact 9roundtraining@loyalsnap.com for more information.
** Text Blasts are currently only available for studios located in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia.
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