While it may sound obvious in theory, consistent outreach to first time studio visitors is one of the most important parts of an outreach campaign. It can also end up being one of the easiest outreach points to fall through the cracks as these are new clients you have yet to form a close relationship with.
Expanding the window a bit, the period during which a client is using an intro offer represents the most important time for consistent communication to ensure they have a great experience and convert to long-term members. To help your studio make the most of this intro offer period, we focus on outreach points to encourage clients to purchase the intro offer, start using the intro offer, and buy a new package as the intro comes to an end.
Attention to Activation
The first step to building a relationship with your new clients is getting them into the studio for their first visit. To streamline the process of getting these first-timers in the door, Loyalsnap’s automated campaign includes a chain of what we call “non-activation” messages. These trigger if a client has purchased the intro offer but still has 0 visits a few days later.
Outreach to these clients is done automatically to ensure that no matter how busy your studio gets on a given day, these important opportunities are not overlooked. The call to action in these touchpoints is to view your class schedule and book their first session. Once they have booked their first class, a more personalized outreach is recommended to make them feel part of your community.
No More No-Shows
We equip our studios with a dashboard category to show clients whose first visit is scheduled for the next 24 hours. We find that reaching out to every client prior to their first class helps on several levels to ensure the best experience possible their first time in the studio.
Firstly, this pre-class email can serve as a simple confirmation of their booking to make sure they attend the class. No-shows are most common during the trial period as there is less commitment in that purchase, especially if it’s free. Sending a personalized confirmation email reduces the chances of these types of no-shows and gives you the opportunity to highlight what the client can expect from their first visit.
If a client does no-show their first visit, we have a separate dashboard category to target these first session no-show clients. While you may have a penalty charge in most no-show instances, we recommend rebooking the client with as little friction as possible in these cases as getting them into the studio for their first visit represents the best opportunity to convert them to long-term members.
"The beginning of the intro offer journey is just one component of the outreach to these new clients."
Conversion is Key for First Time Clients
The beginning of the intro offer journey is just one component of the outreach to these new clients. Outreach at the end of the intro offer is just as important. This outreach is set up to trigger both automatically and through personalized dashboard messages to give your studio the most opportunities possible to convert new clients.
At Loyalsnap, we create automated messages to go out to intro offer clients in the days leading up to the intro package expiration date. These messages are tailored specifically to the client, with different offers depending on how much they came in during their trial. A client who came in every day, say, would be prompted to buy an unlimited membership, whereas a client who just a handful of times might be offered a 10 class pack.
Our Client Management Dashboard helps to supplement the automated campaign for those clients who don’t take the step to conversion through the automated campaign alone. A personal message on the last day of the trial can go far in getting a client to convert. A category showing intro clients whose package expired a week ago with no follow-up purchase allows for a last touchpoint to drive conversion.
Putting It All Together
Communication during the intro offer is vitally important, both to get clients in the door and keep them coming back for months and years into the future. Loyalsnap provides tools to automate as much of this outreach as possible and make any manual outreach simple and efficient. To learn more about any of these features you can continue exploring our Blog and Knowledge Center.